
V. B. Holmes, the author of Reverberation, The Novel, has worked as an editor, writer, researcher and artist.

website: http://reverberationthenovel.com

email: v.b.holmes@aol.com

twitter: https://twitter.com/vbholmes

Paperback and ebook available at: www.Amazon.com/dp/B005YCZBXK


Reverberation, The Novel, is fiction–a historical novel, an allegory–which is based on fact. The story line includes controversial religious, philosophical and lifestyle perspectives which were explored during the first half of the nineteenth century.

April 18, 1828. A wealthy farmer, Jacob Hicks, dies. His friend, Squire Richard Holt, testifies that, on his deathbed, the deceased disinherited his four daughters and named his son, Maris, as his sole beneficiary. In a naive attempt to invalidate the questionable will by eliminating the witness, two disgruntled family members independently fire at the squire. One shot finds its mark.

James Daunt, one of the shooters, is seen and accused of the murder. As a posse closes in on him, he is rescued by Sally Morley, an unconventional young woman. She spirits him away to a liberal, utopian community led by Thaddeus Goodenough, a controversial, Bible-quoting preacher who advocates common property and free love.  Although James is married to Jacob’s pretty daughter, Margaret, he is attracted to the idiosyncratic Sally. Their relationship grows as he is assimilated into Pleasant Valley Farm. However, the threat of capture and death by hanging is ever-present, and with the widespread publication of his description and the offer of a reward, he realizes no refuge is safe for him. James is forced to flee, leaving Sally to deal with her past as well as with the consequences of their passionate love affair.

Esther Hicks Latch, Jacob’s oldest daughter, is the second shooter. She falls during her flight from the scene and is seriously injured. Her physical and mental health deteriorates as the fallout from the murder of Richard Holt reverberates around the shooters and ensnares those who are close to them. Esther’s husband, Elias, becomes obsessed with capturing James. Her brother, Maris, faces a legal challenge to the verbal will and acts to ensure his inheritance against the efforts of his siblings to overturn the testimony in court. While trying to save James’ soul, the Reverend Goodenough is compelled to evaluate his own truths.

Reverberation, The Novel, is a story of love and friendship, greed and survival set amid the changing social, religious and philosophical mores of early nineteenth-century America.

Paperback and ebook available at www.Amazon.com/dp/B005YCZBXK

20 Responses to About

  1. Subhan Zein says:

    Hi VB Holmes,

    Congratulations on your published book. It must be an amazing experience to have. I am an aspiring writer myself, and I cannot imagine how great it must feel to have a book published. So, congratulations again to you. 🙂

    I also would like to thank you for following my blog. I hope my blog posts do not disappoint you. Thank you again, many blessings and much love to you. 🙂


    Subhan Zein

  2. Mr. Holmes , I finished Reverberation, The Novel, yesterday and have been trying to articulate in my mind how to tell you all the things I enjoyed about this novel. I have discovered through great contemplation that there is not one single word, sentence or chapter I did not throughly enjoy and I don’t believe in the last five years I have read any novel as quickly as i did this one. it was an aggravation to have to put it down to do necessities. the historical accuracy was excellent . I just can’t wait for the next release. thank you!

    • vb holmes says:

      Dear Len,
      How can I thank you for such praise? It means a great deal to know that you enjoyed Reverberation, not just for the story, but for the writing and historical value as well. Many, many thanks!

  3. julespaige says:

    I shall have to pass this info onto some friends and family who enjoy historical fiction.
    Continued success. I also wrote for Friday Fictioneers for the first time for the Stair photo prompt.

  4. Lyn says:

    Thank you very much for dropping by my blog and liking my Friday Fictioneer post, “Thunder”.

  5. Hello VB … thanks for stopping by A Writer of History from time to time. Your poems are intriguing. Is it difficult to combine writing poetry with writing fiction or do the two inspire one another?

  6. vbholmes says:

    Hi Mary,
    My poetry tends to be more about the story than the emotions, so the writing process is much the same as that employed for my fiction. I must say, it’s as satisfying to tell my tale in a few lines as it is to immerse myself in the development of a novel. Thanks for visiting–I really enjoy reading your blog.

  7. Hi V.B., Thanks so much for following my blog. It’s great to meet you and I’m so glad I found your site! I look forward to reading Reverberation after such glowing reviews and I’ll be following!

  8. vb holmes says:

    Many thanks. Enjoyed visiting your blog as well and look forward to trying some of your recipes–Great photos, too.

  9. Taylor Eaton says:

    I’ve nominated you for the Very Inspiring Blogger award! I’ve truly enjoyed your writing and feel it deserving of this award.
    For more info, check out this page on my blog:


    Whether or not you choose to display the award, I’d like to commend you on your great work. Keep it up! 🙂

  10. vbholmes says:

    Hi Taylor,
    Many thanks for nominating me for the “Very Inspiring Blogger Award”. I am truly honored, but am afraid I cannot accept it. I am not good at forwarding things on the internet so have to pass. However, I am very pleased that you thought of me and thank you again for the great compliment.

  11. Hi, I’ve just bought your book. From the description I can’t wait to read it although I’ve had to lend my Kindle to my mate so he can read mine. I’ll have to tell him to hurry up.
    Best wishes

    • vbholmes says:

      Many thanks! I have yours as well–although I must admit, I took advantage of your free offer. Haven’t had a chance to read it as my “lazy, crazy days of summer”” seem to have bypassed the “lazy” part of the description. Look forward to getting into “Me and Gus….”

  12. Beautiful writing. Look forward to reading more.


  13. Eric Alagan says:

    Hello VB,

    Long overdue perhaps but I just started on tweeter a few weeks ago and am yet to figure out how it all works.

    I tweeted this page.


  14. vbholmes says:

    Thanks so much, Eric. I’ve been tweeting for a while but have yet to figure out how to use it other than tweeting a current post or a news item that I find interesting. I just tweeted your “My Books” page (typing error on my first attempt–that seems to be where I am today).

  15. Sherry Marr says:

    Congratulations on your book. A huge achievement completing a novel! Thank you so much for taking the time to read my Love Song to Clayoquot Sound. Not many people take the time. I so appreciate it. Yes, the locals are still there, precariously hanging on in a rental market that has been made even worse by the increase in tourism. I am trying to return and it is not easy! But I do get there for visits and one day may find myself back there where my spirit is most joyous. Thanks once again, for reading the story of my Great Leap!!!!

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