Sammy, the Gat: “The Scarecrow Caws”

Click here to read The Institution, a second story inspired by Jennifer Pendergast’s photo.

(Sammy, the Gat, glossary at end.)

The scarecrow caws as I wing it through the roundabout and take off for Windsor World. Bobble-tops twist and twirl as the ostrich and I swoop in and out of the snarled snails headin’ for Big Ben.
I check the sundial. Straight pins: straight up; I got six numbers ’til the meet-and-greet at 12:30.
I juice up the GPS on Keen Teen’s deceptive dial-file, punch in “23 Hasting”, round the 45-degree and snug the rattrap next to the pedestrian puddle jumper.
I sidestep it into the big box then two-step it up the stairway to heaven.
I bend and dip when I catch a shutter-flick of Johnnie Pickles hide-n’-seekin’ it on the peer-tier.

THE GATIONARY of Sammy Speak

big box: n. a house.   bobble-top: n. a head.   caw: v. to roar (in bird-speak).
dial-file: n. a dashboard.   45-degree: n. a corner.
Keen Teenn. owner/builder of car Sammy’s driving.   ostrich: n. a fast car.
pedestrian puddle  jumper: n. a sidewalk curb.  peer-tier: n. the top floor.
rattrap: n. a jalopy.   scarecrow: n. a beat-up car.   shutter-flick: n. a glimpse.
six numbers: n. a half-hour.    snarled snails: n. traffic jam.
straight pins: n. hands of a clock.   Windsor World: n. London.

(Click to catch up on the continuing story of Sammy, the Gat.)

(Photo by Jennifer Pendergast. Rochelle Wisoff-Fields, Friday Fictioneers, March 8, 2013.)

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29 Responses to Sammy, the Gat: “The Scarecrow Caws”

  1. I always enjoy Sammy.


  2. London will never be the same. Love the opening line and imagery.

  3. billgncs says:

    Ha – I’m trading my scarecrow for a new ride! Always ready for more Sammy!

  4. Sandra says:

    Sammy rides again! 🙂 Well done.

  5. I think it’s too much if you have to leave the vocabulary in a comment. Don’t be insecure about your writing and do that, imo. If it’s over someone’s head, sorry for them. But then, I like a stretch in the head read from time to time.

  6. Thanks, Jenn–and I’m pleased you enjoyed “translating” Sammy. I must admit, I have fun compiling The Gationary each week–I think it’s more for my pleasure than the readers’.

  7. kdillmanjones says:

    Your writing simultaneously entertains and challenges me. Loved it!

  8. unspywriter says:

    Sammy’s in London. Hilariousness must ensue, or we will not be amused. 😉

    Here’s mine:

  9. C. Patrick says:

    I think I’m as ennamored of the dictionary as with the story itself. Heh.

  10. julespaige says:

    Fun stuff. I do a continuing story for The Sunday Whirl…the latest here:

    This story was for a photo prompt – I include it just because of the ‘title’…
    Are there such things as co-inky-dinks? (coincidences?)

    • vbholmes says:

      Thanks! I read your two stories and like them both–don’t have time to catch up on “Dodgers” today, but will do so at a later date. Really like “Reverb”–unique response to the prompt.

      • julespaige says:

        No worries. It might be best to start at what might resemble a beginning on the page that says “All together now”…or something like that. Each story verse is only a page long and often repeats cues from other parts of the story. They can be read individually and make sense too.
        Thanks again for your visits. I look forward to the next Friday Fictioneers.

  11. elmowrites says:

    You’re going to be the next Tolkein, creating a language all of your own!

  12. elappleby says:

    I’m growing to love Sammy, the Gat 🙂 Makes me feel like I’m in the middle of a jazz club. Not sure I entirely understand what’s going on but I’m enjoying the groove 🙂

  13. Dear VB,

    Sammy’s back. Loving it.



  14. Dear VB,
    My bobble-top is wagging in wonder. 😉 fun stuff.

  15. 40again says:

    Love the first paragraph, love the story, I’m still chuckling.
    Had a bit of a problem with the dialogue, but I’m willing to learn!

  16. Yes, London’s never safe with Sammy and his ostrich 🙂

  17. JackieP says:

    I must be getting better. I read the story and understood it! I have a fascination for that kind of thing. I like the dictionary at the end, it helps me make sure I got it all right. I love the story as it goes along. Never a dull minute with Sammy

  18. Joe Owens says:

    What rich adventures Sammy has.

  19. Manicddaily says:

    Lovely sound here. k.

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