
copyright -Janet Webb

copyright –Janet Webb

I race through the gallery, casting cursory glances at the entries, when one catches my eye. Three shopping carts in the upper field surrounded by open space and anchored by the artist’s signature in the lower right-hand corner. I am thrown off balance by the composition.

My discomfort is further complicated, when on closer inspection, I realize the principal shopping cart can be read two ways: with the bottom of the basket viewed from above, and from below. The watery reflection mirrors the unconventional view which adds to the disruption of my sensibilities.

I leave wondering whether this is a actual photograph or a clever drawing intended to disorient. Either way, it works.

(Written for Friday Fictioneers, Rochelle Wisoff-Fields. October 18, 2013.)

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13 Responses to “Disorientation”

  1. Lynda says:

    I had seen the photograph as a whole, and you have introduced me to its parts and composition. Interesting!

  2. Unique way to use the photo, probably because you were disoriented. The big question is, was there a “sold” sticker on it?? 🙂


  3. dmmacilroy says:

    Dear VB,

    Clever to use the picture in this fashion. Loved your title, too. Janet will feel good that you’ve placed her work in a gallery.



  4. just wait now that we have written about shopping carts as art someone will have a famous painting. LOL

  5. Very clever spoof on modern art.
    Love it.

  6. If only we could draw like this.
    Oh..I should speak for myself.
    If only I could draw like this.

  7. Dear VB,

    This photo should be hanging in a gallery. Enjoyed your story/commentary.



  8. zookyworld says:

    I like that this image stopped the character who was racing through the gallery. I’m imagining that all the other images were things like flowers and landscapes. Leave it to a good, disorienting image to stop the character in their tracks.

  9. Wonderful! I love that you commented on the very artistic image here. Very original, and well done.

  10. I agree – it would look well in a gallery.. really clever use of the picture (I can actually see it hanging on a wall here)

  11. annisik51 says:

    As a frequent visitor of art galleries, on and offline, I’m often as interested in the viewers as in the works. I could tell you a story or two of conversations overheard – sometimes had to stuff my tights in my mouth! Your story makes me want to know more about the character in your story, why she was brought to a halt before that image. A bigger story in the making?

  12. camgal says:

    That was really interesting. Nice post.

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