“The Rage of Aeolus”

The wind is raging.
A cliché to be sure
but no other word
describes so well
the violent offensive
waged by an angry Aeolus.

Capricious in nature
at any moment
a surprise secession:
a sigh instead of a howl
a whoosh instead of a wham
and then
the assault is back.

I love the wind.
I love the torrent of sound
which beats against my eardrums
and drowns out the everyday noise
of a mundane life.

I love the feel of furious air
which provides me safe harbor
as it gyrates around my body
like the copy-cat vapor trail
of an unseen whirling dervish.

As I struggle to move forward
against the muscle of the blow
so, too, do my adversaries
and I know that
every time the wind wails
I will be cocoon-cosseted in my daily troll
along the road to nowhere.

(Written for dVersePoets, Meeting the Bar. March 13, 2014. Poetry written about the senses with the exception of sight.)

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26 Responses to “The Rage of Aeolus”

  1. Brian Miller says:

    did you get the wind last night? i seriously thought the house was coming down at one point…the walls were moving…creaking….the road to no where is a bit bitter sweet….though not necessarily if looked at more zen….i almost wrote on the wind cause it was so vicious….i do love the power of a storm though…it can be pretty amazing…

  2. vbholmes says:

    The wind was wild here last night and early AM, but no flying branches so I could enjoy the sounds. I’ve always loved the wind–however, had two punctures in the roof from a severed branch during the big snow storm, so am a little more cautious than before. Fortunately, yesterday’s wind was kind. I wish I could say there was deep meaning behind “the road to nowhere” but it just sounded right when I wrote this.

  3. billgncs says:

    Good one – you sent me scuttling to Wikipedia for the back-story !

  4. Mary says:

    Whew, I can really feel the power of the wind in your poem. Really makes a person appreciate (and perhaps fear) the forces of nature when one experiences wind like that!

  5. Seriously I felt tossed in the wind with you here.. and the closing line was really great.. like you secretely enjoyed the struggle with the wind—

  6. claudia says:

    i like how you personify the wind here and how you bring so much emotions in… the feel of being safe even though when we’re not sure where the path is leading

  7. Glenn Buttkus says:

    I thought they called the wind Maria; your version has masculine shoulders & hairy forearms; very nice use of the prompt. Wind, in the forests & park trees here in WA always crash trees down onto houses, cars, & power lines; I love the windsong, but hate the results of a big blow.

  8. Grace says:

    I love the sounds of the raging wind, furiour air, whirling dervish ~ We had a winter storm last night and the winds were also howling ~ Really well done, smiles ~

  9. Beth Winter says:

    Oh, we had wind. Furious wind. Very well captured.

  10. rmp says:

    I could hear the howl and hiss of the wind as though I were caught there in the middle of it. (granted that could be the actually wind that has been viciously blowing since late last night.) I really like this. You described the wind stunningly, as well as the way it makes you feel. lovely.

  11. Gabriella says:

    Very vivid poem! Interesting that you like the wind. I think that, unless I experience it from the comfort of my house, the wind frightens me more than anything else. I like ti when it heaves “a sigh instead of a howl”.

  12. That wind can be pretty darn frightening when it gets going. Powerful descriptive piece.

  13. I really like how you focused in on one thing–the wind. There are so many sensations there and you acquited yourself well.

  14. So powerful, just like the wind you describe. Brrrr!

  15. jo-hanna says:

    Storms scare me these days, as we have had many trees down. I’m always terrified they fall on somebody. Your wind is very realistic.

  16. Vivid imagery. Mundane life leads credence to road to no where. This poor guy can weather our hurricanes for me any time. Give me his #.

  17. Laurie Kolp says:

    They say March winds bring April showers… it’s been super windy here, too. I love the way you describe it.

  18. wolfsrosebud says:

    i liked how the piece kept building until the very end

  19. I like the way your words wound around through and between the wind…an old friend of mine – I grew up on the treeless high plains where it was all stars and wind.

  20. Linda says:

    Thrilling! I love the wind too! The noisier, the better. And this:

    “copy-cat vapor trail
    of an unseen whirling dervish”

  21. Truedessa says:

    That wind was wild here last night..bringing ice and snow and howling sounds in the night..

  22. kkkkaty1 says:

    I believe it was Columbus Day 1963 when my aunt lost their roof in a wind storm…families held onto their houses foundations in the basement…scary anywhere , anytime.

  23. lucychili says:

    i can imagine this wind sailing or on a hilltop
    surround sound mayhem =)

  24. hypercryptical says:

    Excellent. I love the language of winds too.
    Anna :o]

  25. lynndiane says:

    The swift and changeable winds rarely still here on the prairie…i love all but icy winds!

  26. Elegantly written. I can’t imagine a better description of wind. Ron

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